What is Europe Reads?
In November 2018, EURead launched its first pan-European reading campaign. During the Bundesweiter Vorlesetag (German Reading Aloud Day) the first entry in a Europe Reads Book was created. Over 25 entries in no less than three Europe Reads Books would follow, all across Europe. The travelling books have successfully raised awareness about the importance of reading promotion. The animation film that was produced for the campaign has been translated and/or subtitled into 7 languages.
The Europe Reads campaign raises awareness about the importance of reading promotion, first of all on the national level. Participating organisations have invited national or local politicians (or in some cases other professionals) to visit their reading promotion activity and co-sign the Europe Reads Book and petition, thus showing that reading is important. In many cases, journalists were present to report about the signing of the book. The organisation itself would document in the book not only how they promote reading, but also what is their greatest need and most important issue. Most book signings were also documented on the EURead website.
The petition in the Europe Reads books was signed by many organisations and their invitees. It is aimed at the European Commission, and reads: ‘We call out to the European Commission to support reading promotion.’ In Slovenia, the participating politicians and publishers chose to sign another text, which is about their ambition to promote reading in Slovenia.
Apart from these more official contents, the Europe Reads Books also had room for extra thoughts and notes. This open space has been filled in by children, authors and illustrators.
Final destination
The Europe Reads Books were planned to reach their final destination in April 2020, when they were to be presented to Mrs. Katarina Barley, vice-president of European Parliament. However, due to the Corona crisis, the meeting has been postponed untill later.
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding Europe Reads, please contact daan.beeke@euread.com.
Europe Reads Activities

“DIAVAZOYME PAREA!” (“Let’s read together!”) Greece
“DIAVAZOYME PAREA!” (“Let’s read together!”) Open-air event that was held on the International Literacy Day (September 8th) and took place in Athens, at a park where two public children’s libraries are located. It consisted of parallel reading aloud sessions in Read More …

The Week of Reading to Kids (Czech Republic)
The Week of Reading to Kids, the largest reading campaign in the Czech Republic, that promotes the importance of reading aloud to children and young people, is held every first week in June. Schools, nurseries, libraries, mothers’ centres, literary cafes, the Read More …

Europe Reads – Basque Country – Spain
EUROPE READS OZEN IRAKURTZEKO KANPAINA – CAMPAÑA DE LECTURA EN VOZ ALTA On Tuesday, April the second over 100 people including babies and toddlers gathered in the City Hall of San Sebastián to support the EUROPE READS Campaign for reading Read More …

Reading Aloud Week (Portugal)
The National Reading Plan has joined the celebration of the World Read Aloud Day with an Event and the promotion of different activities. This event promoted by the National Reading Plan had the support of the Municipality of Alcochete, the Read More …

Drop Everything and Read (Ireland)
On Friday April 12th 2019, over 204,00 individuals, book clubs, corporates and schools registered to take time out and to ‘Drop Everything and Read’ for twenty minutes at 12 noon. This was an extraordinary increase of over 207% participation. The simple Read More …

Children’s Reading Day (Czech Republic)
Children’s Reading Day will be held in the Czech Republic on 23 April, (World Book and Copyright Day), its purpose being for children to read extracts from their favourite books – at school to their classmates, at home to their Read More …

Reading Aloud Day (Switzerland)
The Swiss Reading Aloud Day is the largest reading campaign in Switzerland that promotes the importance of reading aloud to children and young people. It was launched in 2018 by the Swiss Institute for Children’s and Youth Media SIKJM/ISJM/ISMR in Read More …

National Reading Aloud Days (The Netherlands)
The National Reading Aloud Days (Nationale Voorleesdagen) have become a real tradition over the past 15 years in the Netherlands. The kick off is organised in kindergartens and daycare centers throughout the country. During the National Reading Aloud Breakfast politicians, mayors, tv Read More …

Reading Aloud Day (Germany)
The German Reading Aloud Day is the largest reading festival in Germany – initiated by Weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT, Stiftung Lesen and Deutsche Bahn Stiftung. In 2018, more than 660.000 People were reading aloud or listening to stories on November Read More …

Book Week Scotland
The 2018 programme for Book Week Scotland, Scotland’s annual celebration of reading, is bigger and better than ever, with over 400 incredible events taking place across the country. During Book Week, at least 600,000 people of all ages and Read More …

Why Reading is relevant for Europe
Reading and literacy are vital for all citizens in Europe. The ability to read is a prerequisite for education, personal development, integration, participation in society and economic growth in today's media-led and culturally diverse society. Furthermore, reading trains everyone to understand complex facts and circumstances, which is essential in forming democratic behaviour. In order to address this challenge, EURead, the European network for reading and literacy agencies, and its members in all major European member-states, have developed programs and campaigns to raise the profile of reading and literacy.
Reading is the basis
In Europe, more than 73 million adults are illiterate and one in five 15-year-olds has poor reading skills. 12.8 % of EU students drop out of school, which will lead to a 30 % increase in low-skilled jobs by 2020 (EU High Level Group of Experts on Literacy, Final Report September 2012). When it comes to...
Read moreThe literacy challenge
Functional illiteracy is a re-occurring problem. In order to address this educational, social and economic challenge, early childhood education is crucial. EU member-states must provide comprehensive, high quality early childhood education and care, that is attractive and easily available to all ...
Read moreInvesting in literacy
The ability to read also significantly influences income (OECD’s report ‘Education at a Glance’ 2014). Two studies – one from The Netherlands and one from Ireland – show that investing in literacy improves the stock of human capital and enable economic growth...
Read moreTake action
International studies reveal that reading aloud has a positive effect on intelligence, school grades and personal development such as empathy and social skills. Only 15 minutes of reading aloud every day makes a huge difference. To raise awareness for this simple but vital approach, parents,..
Read moreThe role of the European Union
EURead values highly, that the European Union institutions are aware that basic skills, such as reading, are vital for Europe. The report of the High-Level Group on literacy of 2011 underscores the importance of literacy in the 21st century, as well as the need to ensure political ownership and ...
Read moreEuropean member-states are relevant
Additionally, the European member-states are taking part in the challenge, of getting all European citizens enthusiastic about reading. Some of the member organisations of EURead are already working together with the governmental institutions in order to run efficient programmes...
Read more